Strawberry Jam Recipe with Cherries
Today we will prepare a strawberry jam recipe with cherries, that will be a natural thickener for our strawberry jam. Everyone is cooking his strawberry jam differently and we will add some cherries to thicken the jam texture.
Cooking Time: 60-70 minutes
Preparation Time: 80-90 minutes
Strawberry and Cherry Jam Ingredients
2-3 lb/1-1.5 kg strawberries
1-2 lb/0.5 kg cherries
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2-3 tablespoons pectin
4-5 cups white sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
How to make strawberry jam step by step
Follow the recipe, and you will find out how you make strawberry jam from scratch.
Rinse the strawberries and cherries under cold tap water. Then dry the strawberries and cherries on a paper towel.
Pit the cherries.
Spoon the strawberries and cherries into the pot and add in white sugar. Bring the strawberry and cherry jam mass to an active boil and then reduce the heat and cook over medium heat for about 40-50 minutes. Remove the foam from the strawberry and cherry jam using a dipper. Keep stirring your strawberry jam while cooking to stop the jam from burning and pouring over the edges of your pot.
Next add the lemon juice into your strawberry jam and stir well.
Melt the pectin in a previously warmed water and stir the pectin mass until there will be a smooth consistency. Pay attention to the instructions on the pectin box.
Then pour the pectin into the strawberry and cherry mass and mix well. Add in the cinnamon and cook the strawberry jam on low heat for 20 minutes more. Remove the remaining foam from the jam surface.
Strawberry and cherry jam is slightly gelatinous, but while hot still drips off the spoon. At a first glance it doesn't look like jam at all, but that is ok, because the gelation occurs gradually.
Ladle the strawberry and cherry jam with pectin into the sterile jars. Then seal and cool the jars.
How many calories are in homemade strawberry jam
Strawberry Jam Recipe Nutrition Facts:
Calories: 59; Total fat: 0.8 oz; Total carbohydrates: 2.2 oz; Protein: 1.8 oz
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