Strawberry Jam with Olallieberries

Everyone cooks his strawberry jam in his own way. But what about the strawberry jam with olallieberries recipe? By combining the two tasteful berries you will get an interesting taste. We will add some vanilla and some citric acid so that our jam won't be too sweet. Combination of two berries will make the strawberry jam with olallieberries have a gelatinous consistency.

How to make strawberry and olallieberry jam step by step

Cooking Time: 50 minutes

Preparation Time: 60 minutes

Strawberry and olallieberry jam ingredients

  • 5-6 cups strawberries

  • 3-4 cups olallieberries

  • 2-3 cups white sugar

  • 1-2 teaspoons vanilla powder

  • 1 teaspoon citric acid

  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice

Follow the recipe, and you will find out how you make strawberry jam from scratch:

  1. Rinse the strawberries and olallieberries under cold water before cooking.

  2. Transfer the strawberries and olallieberries into the kitchen pot and spoon the white sugar on top. Set the pot with the berries aside for at least 30 minutes, ideally for a few hours.

  3. After a few hours, start cooking the berries. Bring the strawberries and olallieberries to an active boil. Next reduce the heat and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes without covering. Keep stirring to prevent your handmade strawberry and olallieberry jam from burning and rising.

  4. Then spoon the vanilla, citric acid and lemon juice and stir the jam until there is a smooth and well combined mass.

  5. Don’t forget to prepare the jars before the strawberry and olallieberry jam preparation process or during it. The jars for your homemade jam should be clean and sterilized.

  6. Ladle the strawberry jam with olallieberries into the sterile jars. Then seal and cool the jars. Transfer the jars with the strawberry-olallieberry jam into the basement.

How many calories are in homemade strawberry and olallieberry jam

Strawberry Jam Recipe Nutrition Facts:

Calories: 57; Total fat: 1 oz; Total carbohydrates: 2.8 oz; Protein: 1.5 oz


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